At age 20, Vanessa had never imagined living out of her car. And yet — estranged from her parents and having fallen out with her only close relative — that was precisely her current state. A hard-working student at a local community college who held down multiple jobs at a drug store and cleaning houses, Vanessa urgently needed a permanent place to live.
Without anyone to guide her, she turned to her community for help and found The Village.
Vanessa connected with The Village’s Housing initiative and its Rapid Rehousing program. Her case manager, Gio Garcia, helped her search for an affordable apartment in her local area. He introduced her to prospective landlords and represented her throughout the application process. Thanks in part to Gio’s advocacy, Vanessa now has a one-bedroom apartment close to where she works and studies.
At The Village, our goal is to minimize instability, so young people like Vanessa can continue working and attending school with minimal disruption. Gio will continue to serve as Vanessa’s case manager over the next year to ensure she remains in permanent housing and has the resources she needs to thrive in her new home.
“Adulthood isn’t easy, and being new to it without parents, it’s even harder,” says Vanessa. “The Village gave me confidence, and Gio has helped me gain the knowledge and tools I need to be a responsible adult.”